Positive control wells (malaria)

Positive control wells (malaria)

In collaboration with FIND, Microcoat has developed a simple, field-adapted method to evaluate the quality and validity of marketed malaria rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) based on HRP2 detection.

Malaria RDTs provide a reliable malaria diagnosis method in remote areas and clinics. However, variability in test performance has been documented, which might be due to poor manufacture or to exposure to high temperatures during transport and storage. The vital importance of accuracy in diagnosing malaria, a potentially fatal disease, makes it essential to guarantee product quality.

Product information

The kit contains 0.1 mL of sterile PCW water to reconstitute the PCW tube; a dropstir for transfer of the PCW water to the PCW tube; and a micropipette for transferring the PCW solution to the RDT sample well. Manufacturer instructions included.

Category Number Kit components
890002 Vial with dried recombinant Pf HRP2, 100 µL dropstir, 5 µL pipette
890011 25 x PCW water vials

Find out more on www.microcoat.de

Purchase orders & contact

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For inquiries or further information, please contact:
Microcoat Biotechnologie GmbH
Am Neuland 3
82347 Bernried, Germany

tel +49 (0) 8158 9981 0
fax +49 (0) 8158 9981 10

email: info@microcoat.de

website: www.microcoat.de/
