
72nd World Health Assembly

72nd World Health Assembly

The 72nd World Health Assembly (WHA) will take place 20–28 May 2019 in Geneva, Switzerland. On the sidelines of this important global health meeting, FIND is organizing events that will highlight how diagnostics underpin universal health coverage (UHC), and how digital technologies are transforming diagnostics in primary care.

Follow us on social media for live updates from our events #DiagnosisMatters #WHA72

No UHC without Dx (no universal health coverage without diagnostics)
08:00–10:00, 21 May 2019, Global Health Centre, Graduate Institute Geneva, Switzerland

Achieving UHC depends on the quality diagnosis that allows everyone to be linked to the care they need. But too often, fit-for-purpose diagnostics are not available, or affordable, where and when they are required. Ensuring quality and equality in diagnostic access is a global health priority, and the recent introduction of the Essential Diagnostics List affords the community an unprecedented opportunity.

Join us for this dynamic session, where a globally renowned faculty including governments, implementers and funders will discuss why and how diagnostics are one of the most important – yet often overlooked – enablers of UHC.

Co-hosting with FIND: Government of Botswana, Government of Switzerland, McGill Global Health Programs, Global Health Centre at the Graduate Institute Geneva

Diagnostics are essential for universal health coverage to succeed

Transforming primary healthcare in the digital age: the impact and sustainability of clinical decision support tools
15:00–16:30, 23 May 2019, Musée Ariana, Geneva, Switzerland

Effective primary care systems underpin the global response to public health emergencies such as child mortality and antimicrobial resistance. Empowering health workers who make critical decisions at the first contact with patients is an essential step in protecting communities from these threats.

The increasingly widespread adoption of digital technologies and eHealth approaches has the potential to transform clinical decision making in primary care – to the benefit of individual patients, as well as providing crucial information to health systems. Formalizing clinical decision tools through the introduction of guidelines to ensure key criteria are met will ensure smooth integration of old and new technologies, and enable development and country adoption of tools that are evidence-based and impactful on clinical care.

Co-hosting with FIND: Terre des hommes

In association with BMJ Global Health

Can digital technology help reinvent primary healthcare in support of universal health coverage?

Walk the Talk 2019

Team FIND will be joining WHO’s Walk the Talk to highlight the critical role of diagnostics for UHC. To join our team please contact us.