FIND India

FIND India is our largest in-country hub. We established our presence here in 2007, following a memorandum of understanding with the Central TB Division, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, to demonstrate and introduce new, rapid, quality-assured tests for TB at affordable prices for the public health sector.
Our activities here initially focused on in-country evaluation and demonstration studies for new diagnostic tools, such as liquid culture and drug susceptibility testing, rapid speciation, molecular line-probe assay, LED-based fluorescence microscopy, and assays for GeneXpert®, including Xpert MTB/RIF.
The data from these studies formed part of the body of evidence that ultimately enabled their endorsement by WHO. The data also informed India’s Revised National TB Control Program (RNTCP), helping to formulate guidelines for the detection and management of drug-resistant TB with these new diagnostic technologies.
Today, FIND India’s portfolio has expanded significantly. Alongside a continued focus on TB diagnostics we are working on a wide variety of technical and community-level interventions across the country. Projects include expansion of the country’s TB laboratory capacity through laboratory upgrades at 20 sites for the RNTCP, implementation of the largest-ever pan-India private sector engagement project in TB, as well as working closely with the headquarters team on projects such as a multi-year hepatitis C project to provide healthcare stakeholders with the evidence they need to develop and implement a national, sustainable hepatitis C policy, and the clinical evaluation of a new malaria rapid diagnostic test co-developed by FIND.
FIND India is compliant with the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act (FCRA).
India contact
FIND India
Flat No. 8, 9th floor
Vijaya Building
17 Barakhamba Road
New Delhi 110001
T. +91 (11) 4041 9517
Quick links
- Lessons from the pandemic: fast tracking India's "Atmanirbharta" in healthcare
- FIND India financial report 2020-2021
- About FIND India
- FIND India at a glance
- FIND India financial report 2019-2020
- FIND India activity report 2019
- FIND India financial report 2018-2019
- FIND India activity report 2018
- Diagnosing TB in children (project implementation guide)
- Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act (FCRA) receipts